openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F2C" ) script. openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F2B" ) debugSessionF2C = debugServer.

openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F2A" ) debugSessionF2B = debugServer. openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F1C" ) debugSessionF2A = debugServer. openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F1B" ) debugSessionF1C = debugServer. openSession ( "TCI6488EVM_XDS510USB/C64PLUS_F1A" ) debugSessionF1B = debugServer. traceWrite ( "Opening a debug session for all TCI6488 cores." ) debugSessionF1A = debugServer. traceWrite ( "Done!" ) // Open a debug session for each TCI6488 CPU script. traceWrite ( "Configuring debug server for TCI6488 EVM." ) debugServer. getServer ( "DebugServer.1" ) // Configure target for a TCI6488 EVM with SD XDS510 USB emulator script. Get the Debug Server and start a Debug Session debugServer = script. It is also useful to use the example scripts as a baseline for creating your own scripts (by referencing it or simply copying and then "gutting" it to use as a template). The examples are well commented and should give you an understanding of the basic steps needed to create the scripting environment and start a debug session for a specified target, in addition to highlighting some of the DSS APIs available. It is strongly encouraged for new users to open up the DSS basic examples and slowly walk through them to get an understanding of how DSS works.
Bash script debugger how to#